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TOP Seo Ranking Factors

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Google's 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List

You Probably know that Google uses about 200 rank factors in their algorithm...
But What the hell are they?
Well Today you are in for a treat since I have assembled a whole list.
Some are proven.
Some Are contentious.
Others are SEO nerd speculation.


Duplicate Content:


Identical Content on the exact same site (even slightly modified) can negatively influence a site's search engine visibility.

URL String:

The Categories in the URL string are read by Google and may offer a thematic signal to what a page is all about:

Magnitude Of Content Updates:

The Importance of edits and changes can be a freshness factor. Adding or removing whole sections is a more important upgrade than switching around the order of a few words.

Exact Match Domain:

EMDs May still give you an edge...if it is a quality site. But when the EMD happens to be a low carb site, it is vulnerable to this EMD upgrade:

URL Route:

A Page nearer to the homepage may find a slight power boost.

Useful Content:

As Pointed out by Backlinko reader Jared Carrizales, Google may differentiate between "quality" and "useful" content.

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